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Surgery in the palm of the hand to improve the lot

Reading is an art of hand-old, who predicts the future through hand lines. This art is very popular in Japan, where the hand readers get $ 50 for each reading by believers of this practice. Now, dissatisfied with "fate" that nature has given to the lines of the hand, are taking drastic measures to gain prosperity in life. They want to determine their own destiny, by changing the hand lines with cosmetic surgery.

The operation, which recognized that performed well in Korea, performed with an electric scalpel, which burns flesh, leaving a semi-permanent mark. Doctor Matsuoko Japanese beauty clinic "Shonan Beauty Clinic" offers this intervention for 900 euros, but have stopped publishing advertising for the treatment, because requests can not afford. The procedure is performed for 15 minutes and may include changing line 5 to ten hands.
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